Happiest Nation is a story of cultures and freedom. The story unfolds in the enchanting realm of a mythical land called Funland – crowned as the epitome of happiness 6 years in a row. 

Music, art, and a life fully lived come together in this modern-day musical playbook.


About the Author

Lover of Life and Truth. 

Elizabeth’s identity is grounded in the limitless possibilities unfolding in every moment. As the founder of a global community, her vision unites conscious investors, technologists, doctors, scientists, billionaires, film and musical artists, producers, and more – all driven by a shared desire to individually be one’s highest potential for this lifetime, and collectively, to uplift humanity.

With an unwavering commitment to invoke planetary consciousness, this book embodies Elizabeth’s heartfelt wish and stands as a testament touching readers’ hearts, leaving a profound impact. Alive and resolute, Elizabeth became a force for good in the world, fueled by the kindness and support of empathetic souls who cared along the way. They form the foundation upon which she thrives, moving beyond mere survival and embracing a life that creates ripples of transformation and empowerment wherever she goes.


Happiest Nation

Welcome to Funland

Kesällä 2020 tapahtui jotain, joka muutti elämäni. En tiedä selviääkö se enää koskaan. Päihtynyt eläkkeellä oleva nainen työnsi tiensä kotiini Belsingissä. Sitten hän kosketti minua toistuvasti vastoin tahtoani. Yövalvontakameroissa mieheni voidaan kuulla sanovan: "Olen pahoillani. En tiedä miksi hän on täällä. En pyytänyt häntä tulemaan tänne. Olen pyytänyt häntä lähtemään, sinä olet pyytänyt häntä. lähteä. Mitä minun pitäisi tehdä?' Sinä yönä hän vaati, että nukumme hänen talossaan. "Miksi? Minulla on talo ja miehelläni on talo. Kun en tehnyt niin kuin hän käski, hän vaati pysymään autossa ja seuraamaan meitä johonkin koteistamme Hän vartioi miestäni fyysisesti eikä antanut minun puhua hänelle tai nukkua samassa sängyssä. Kukaan ei ollut tukenut miestäni ja hänen unta enemmän kuin minä. Paras sänky, jonka olin järjestänyt hänelle, ja peitto, joka kierrätti vettä pitääkseni sängyn kyljessä optimaalisen lämpötilan ja Oura-renkaat, joita olin käyttänyt yhteydenottojen järjestämiseen huolimatta 18 000 jonotuslistasta, kun ne julkaistiin.

Seuraavana aamuna hän ajoi minut autolle, kun yritin lähteä, tarttuen oviin eikä antanut minun sulkea sitä. Vain muutama vuosi sitten mieheni ex oli seurannut minua samalla parkkipaikalla puhuen samaa kieltä, jota en ymmärtänyt. Olin kauhuissani. Kärsin edelleen vaikeasta PTSD:stä. Olimme tuskin voittaneet oikeudessa muutamaa viikkoa aikaisemmin. "Olen pahoillani siitä, mitä siskoni teki." mies, joka kutsui minua elämänsä rakkaudeksi, kertoi minulle matkallamme töihin. Sitten hän valehteli poliisille ja sanoi syyn, että hän teki sen, koska hain tuolloin 45-vuotiaan mieheni, hänen "pikkuveljensä", ja hän oli siellä suojelemassa häntä. Suojellakseen tekojaan hän sai nuoremman veljensä kirjautumaan turvataloon, kun olin toisessa kaupungissa Raamatun leirillä, nyyhkyttäen silmiäni ja yrittäen selvittää, mikä maailmassa oli mennyt pieleen.

Muutamaa kuukautta myöhemmin menin toivottamaan Petelle hyvää syntymäpäivää. Hän oli innoissaan nähdessään minut ja otti kuvan minusta toisella polvella jakamassa lahjaani tähän tilaisuuteen. 'Mitä tapahtui?' kysyin Peteltä. Olin niin hämmentynyt. Tuskin 24 tuntia ennen tuota tapausta olimme olleet yhdessä sängyssä. Pete halasi minua ja kertoi, että hän halusi minut ja oli ylpeä minusta. Sitten hän otti kuvan ja sanoi: "Tämä on Jane. Minun miljonääri tyttöni. Hänen tyttärensä nauroi ja tanssi kaverinsa Mimmin kanssa kuvamateriaalin taustalla.

'Et ole vain yksi miljardista. Olet yksi kuudesta miljardista. Mutta en voisi koskaan vastustaa siskoani. Exäni ei myöskään koskaan lopeta tyttäremme häirintää. Olen niin väsynyt taistelemaan. Tarvitsen vain rauhaa.'

Presidentti Väinistö totesi suorassa televisiolähetyksessä kansalle vuonna 2019, että "jos valheet yleistyisivät, Funland olisi vaikea paikka asua".

Here Is Jane

Tässä on Johanna, ja kaikki hänen kirjansa sanat ovat totta.

Ei mikään subjektiivinen käsitys "minun totuudesta" tai "sinun totuudestasi", kuten tietämätön markkinointinainen pilkkasi viime jouluna. Sen sijaan Janen sanat juurtuvat tosiasian konkreettiseen kallioperään, ja niitä tukevat periksiantamattomat todisteet, jotka on levitetty yli 1000 sivulle oikeusasiakirjoihin, sekä mukaansatempaava 10 päivää kestänyt oikeussalin yhteenotto ylistetyssä "Maapallon onnellisimmassa kansakunnassa". Pelkien kuolevaisten totuuksien lisäksi Janen tarina sukeltaa myös ikuisuuden suurempaan totuuteen. Etkö usko minua? Anna kun näytän sinulle. Voit testata ja nähdä itse.

Bananas & Elves

Olin 11-vuotias, kun vierailin ensimmäistä kertaa Funlandissa äidiksi kutsumani funnalaisen naisen kanssa. Kirjoitin ystävilleni postikortteja: Se on niin puhdasta ja hienoa, jopa banaaneilla on omat paketit!

Se oli Suomi Intiassa varttuneen lapsen silmin, jolla oli melko vaikea alku maailmalle. Biologinen äitini oli kuollut 19-vuotiaana isäni 21-vuotispäivänä. Hän tuli usean sukupolven humanitaarisesta taustasta, eikä mikään olisi voinut pysäyttää häntä. Isoäitini oli äiti Teresan ystävä. Hän kastoi äitini vauvana ja antoi hänelle nimen Teresa hänen mukaansa.

Pian sen jälkeen humanitaarinen järjestö, jonka kanssa hän työskenteli, lähetti isäni auttamaan vaikeuksissa olevia nuoria Koillis-Intiassa. Kanadalainen pariskunta piti minusta huolta ja vei minut Pakistaniin. Muistan istuneeni suurlähetystössä 4-vuotiaana ja katsomassa ison näköistä miestä teräspöydän toisella puolella. "Katso häntä", he sanoivat ja osoittivat minua. Hän on syytön eikä terroristi, hän ei mitenkään voinut aiheuttaa ongelmia. He olivat oikeassa. Suurin osa elämästäni seuraavan vuoden aikana koostui aerobisesta harjoittelusta sisäoppilaitoksessa, jossa asuin 100 muun lapsen kanssa ja tiskin vuorotellen joka päivä. Tiski oli niin korkealla, että vesi tippui käsistäni käsivarsiani pitkin. Hauskaa. Kuten uinti.

Suomi on ollut kotini 14 vuotta. Mutta sen sijaan, että viettäisin päiviä pyörällä, kuten tein lapsena Karkkilassa papani kanssa ja kuulisin lasten sanovan minua "mustalaiseksi" ohi ajaessani (mikä ei häirinnyt minua ollenkaan, koska en ymmärtänyt sanaakaan!) Vietän nyt päiväni piilossa. Menen kotoa lentokentälle tai sairaalaan. 3 vuotta sitten tapahtui jotain, joka järkytti maailmaani ikuisesti.


Here Is Peter

The Land of Mokia

Isäni meni naimisiin Hannelen kanssa ja tuli hakemaan minut Pakistanista, kun olin 6-vuotias. Koko elämäni ajan kun ihmiset kysyivät, mistä hän oli kotoisin ja minä sanoin Funlandista, he vastasivat: "Voi Englanti!" Ei Englannissa. FUN-Land. Tunnetko Mokia? Puhelimet? 'Ai niin! Japani!' He vastasivat usein.

Mokia Corporation on monikansallinen televiestintä-, tietotekniikka- ja kulutuselektroniikkayhtiö, joka perustettiin vuonna 1865. Olin mukana Mokian kaikkien aikojen katsotuimmassa ja kiistanalaisimmassa mainoksessa. 36 miljoonaa katselukertaa yhdellä YouTube-videolla. Ystävät soittivat minulle Aasiasta, koska he olivat nähneet kasvoni mainostauluilla ja linja-autojen kyljillä.

Olin ollut osa-aikainen malli teini-iästä lähtien, kun olin voittanut ensimmäisen Miss Goa -kilpailun 18-vuotiaana. Tein sen vain, koska omistajat olivat lahjoittaneet ruokaa katulapsille tarkoitettuihin projekteihini ja kun MTV esitti valtakunnallisessa televisiossa, osallistujia ei ollut tarpeeksi. Siihen mennessä olin jo ollut kadulla töissä 5 vuotta. 15-vuotiaana perustin hoitokodin lapsille, joiden vanhemmat olivat aidsia, joita orpokodit kieltäytyivät ottamasta. Klo 17 tein maanjäristysapua katastrofialueella. Ei ollut infrastruktuuria, joten otimme ilmapalloja ja kitaroita ja kannustimme ihmisiä. Sitten avasimme ystävieni kanssa koulun katulapsille, jossa he voisivat oppia lukemaan ja kirjoittamaan kaduilla kerjäämisen sijaan. 1 koulusta tuli 10. 1000 lasta on käynyt koulumme viimeisen 22 vuoden aikana.

Oli kunnia saada esille niin legendaarinen tuotemerkki, joka on maamme kansallisen historian ikoni ja symboli.


Pants On Fire

Huolimatta siitä, että Pete väittää olevansa rauhassa ja rakastunut, valheet, joille hän oli rakentanut elämänsä, olivat ilmeisesti kerääntyneet hänen ruumiinsa pieniksi rasvasoluiksi. Pete ei koskaan todellakaan voinut katsoa naista, joka nukkui sängyssä, jonka minä ja lapseni isä olimme ostaneet. Jokaisessa kuvassa hänen silmänsä olivat kiinni, eivätkä hänen kätensä koskaan pitäneet häntä kunnolla kiinni. Keho ei koskaan valehtele.

Silti hän yritti epätoivoisesti vakuuttaa itsensä ja naimisissa olevan exänsä olevan rakastunut. Hänen silmänsä olivat aina kiinni ja ajattelivat minua jossain toisessa todellisuudessa. Hänen sanansa kaikui korvissani. 'Olet elämäni rakkaus. Jos lähtisit, kuolisin yksinäisenä ilman sinua.

Kaksi kesää sitten hän kertoi minulle, ettei rakastanut naista, jonka kanssa hän oli, mutta emme voineet olla yhdessä, koska hänen exänsä stressaa aina silloin 10-vuotiasta tytärtään. "On sairasta, että käytät toista naista tehdäksesi naimisissa exäsi onnelliseksi, jolla on uusi lapsi." vastasin hänelle.

Olisiko aika todella voinut jotenkin taianomaisesti muuttaa tuon kieroutuneen sairaan sotkun rakkaudeksi? No, ei missään yksittäisessä tarinassa tai elokuvassa koko kosmoksessa toistaiseksi. Mutta oliko tämä jonkinlainen satunnainen kummallinen poikkeus luonnosta? Halusin kysyä häneltä, mutta hän oli unohtanut puhua englantia, koska hänen koko maailmaansa oli manipuloitu, kun hänen sisarensa Elisa pettyi häneen humalassa.

Sitten hän valehteli poliisille, että löin hänen "pikkuveljeään" ja sain hänet kirjautumaan turvataloon saadakseen ilmaisia hotellimajoituksia veronmaksajien kustannuksella peittääkseen tekonsa.

Liar, liar, pants on fire.

The Corruption of the "Uncorrupt"

It was June 29th, 2020 in the middle of a global pandemic. As a small entrepreneur, Jane did what every hard-working person on Monday mornings did: worked.

In the middle of a Zoom call with a client, she heard a loud bang on her front door. It continued. She opened the first of the double doors Finland has to keep out the cold. But this time it was not icy wind threatening the warmth of her home. It was a large menacing-looking man who had never been to her home before. His name was...


August 15th, 2022. 777 days after the fateful night of well meaning Elisa's intoxicated sputtering and poisoning Peter's mind because her ego was hurt when Jane responded to her question of if she loved Peter, right after she had aggressively pushed her way into Jane's home and continued physically touching her against her will with: : 'Do you love your husband or are you with him for the money?'

Peter responded to Jane's cries for help: 'I asked her not to come, you asked her not to come. It's not my fault she's doing this.'

Jane always called on by Peter to "be the bigger person" turned to Elisa and softly and calmly said: 'I'm sorry. I'm suffering from PTSD from the 200+ crimes against Peter and I and when you touched me and came into my home when I asked you not to, it really scared me. I didn't meant to snap at you.'

But there was no reasoning with Elisa. In a flash of a second she went from "trying to help" and meddling in Peter and Jane's lives to pointing at Jane and beckoning to her little brother Peter: 'Look, Look!' she exclaimed. 'Jane is foaming at the mouth! She's a sick and crazy person. I will protect you from my little baby brother. Now I'm making the decision for you. Jane must go.'

If only Jane had understood what she was saying, she would have never gone to work the next day and could have clarified the terrible misunderstanding. She was happier than she had ever been with Peter. They had finally won in court. Peter had helped her open a new business and she was determined to work hard now that she finally had the freedom to work in peace. She had braved Finland's broken physical and mental health care systems and finally gotten subsidized therapy through a women's business network and was well on her way to recovery.

From her 1000's of hours of studies and self development, she knew that the way to true love and happiness was to love oneself so she set out to focus on her life and hardly noticed that Peter was having a breakdown while they were going through the long court process, even though she had seen signs of it like the morning of court when Peter had violently smashed her to floor.

She knew this wasn't the true, loving kind man that he was and so she begged him to go to therapy instead of getting angry at her. 'I don't want to go. Therapy has never worked in the past.' He was right. Therapy is BS based on zero scientific evidence.

In the end, Elisa lied to the cops that Jane was beating up Peter so that's why she had come to save him. Jane closed the police report to show Peter that all she wanted was peace. Helsinki police however cared little for the facts when they wrote: Kyse näyttää olevan enemmän Elisan suvun omien oikeuksien turvaamisesta kuin lain tarkoittamasta kotirauhan rikkomisesta."

What? Jane felt deeply violated by the powers that be that were supposed to be keeping her safe. Especially because she knew that twice as many foreign than Finnish children are placed in Finland's privatized multibillion euro foster care system because of false and malicious reports like these.

6 months later Peter declared: 'What did you think I would do? Of course I had to choose my sister!'

'I want you to fix the lies on record.' Jane demanded. Peter did nothing.

One year later Peter declared that he was happy and whole but had not done any forgiveness work on himself, he was in bed with someone who he didn't love and wasn't yet sure about but he wanted a "less hot woman" and more boring life so that his ex Liisa would not stress out their now 11 year old daughter. Jane called him out on it. 'That's sick. You're using a woman's body to make your married ex wife happy?' Peter had nothing to say. At least not that day.

Jane asked him to come for mediation since despite handling him with silk gloves for a whole year, whenever she wanted to bring up the topic of getting the lies on record or wanting to talk to Peter about the violent incident and make peace between them, Peter would just start raising his voice and threatening to end the call or meeting.

Jane thought a mediator might be able to help create a safe space for Jane to speak. Peter happily agreed to come for mediation and asked Jane to write down the bullet points. He also added that 'I don't think we need a mediator. You're so easy to talk with.'

Surprising then that when Jane followed up on the mediation date 2 weeks later as she had not heard back from Peter, he blocked her. Apparently, the temporary woman had gotten jealous when Jane called and Peter was trying to desperately prove that he was over Jane. How could he be over her when he hadn't even had the courage to face her in truth?

The final evidence of Peter's true emotions for Jane were displayed between August '21 and December '21. Peter began to adjust his story and invent new stories almost as if inspired by the Hitler strategy of telling a lie long enough and loud enough so eventually people believe it. The stories especially started to grow when Jane told the woman in Peter's bed the truth of what he had said behind her back. 'I just never want to be a part of doing that to another woman.' Especially since Peter had Jane had been through this circus before.

On the 1st day they met, Peter asked Jane what kind of a relationship he had with the mother of his child. He said a great one. Turned out a year later that he hated her and was terrified of her so much so that he threatened to join her in committing crimes against Jane so she could never work in Finland again.

Then Jane became curious when Peter asked her to marry him but didn't want her to put a picture of them on Instagram because he "didn't want to make his 3 month fling who had gone back to NY feel bad". Jane was as confused as ever. 'Why would she feel bad if you're not together?' Peter had no response but 6 months later she got one when Cindy blew up at Jane about her feelings for Peter and turned out he had not been completely honest with Jane and then instead of just getting in truth he used the line all men in their 40's seem to use these days to shut up women when they get caught in their lies: She's harassing and crazy.

Well, no matter. Peter apologized for that and all his other misdeeds of lying and physically and emotionally cheating numerous times even though it took years to change. 2 years after they met, Peter's best friend and his wife declared that Peter had done a 180 degree self improvement and was a better version of himself than they had ever seen and they thanked Jane for supporting him in that.

However, transformation cannot be forced. If a person chooses to be bitter, hateful, angry, and spiteful and quite frankly sick and live in lies and denial, then this is where they end up, as miserable victims whose only peace, love and happiness comes from the shame and blame they must project on to others, just to feel better about themselves:

"Hi Jane,

Had to lookup the word in the dictionary, as I don't see how any of my active behaviour could be recognised as bullying.

bully (verb) seek to harm, intimidate, or coerce (someone perceived as vulnerable).

Also don't know what are you expecting me to do (what have I promised and when). Not saying I will, but at least I can consider if you tell me in a very short, non-emotional message what are your hopes. But, tell me. what are your demands this time?"

What did Jane reply? Jane cared only about one thing: Is peace in one's soul and love in one's heart really built on fear, lies, denial and bullying?

The story unfolds in the Happiest Nation in the world...

War Strategies

It has been said that if you tell a lie, loud enough and long enough, eventually people might believe you.

Peter's strategy to continue in denial and lies, for fear of being left alone with the wrath of his deranged married ex who hated him and his sister but projected her spite on to Jane who she'd only met a couple times in court and in passing, was no less innovative than Hitler's.

Needless to say, Jane was deeply confused with Peter's ever evolving stories and claims. Despite claiming to have "peace in his soul" and "love in his heart", he continued to desperately invent and reinvented defaming and harmful stories about Jane in order to try to convince himself that letting big sister Elisa break them up and bully him into calling the cops on Jane while she was home working on Monday, was less evil than it really was.

He had played the same game of victimhood with his ex and the mother of his child for the last 8 years, and possibly even during their marriage. Bullying her with his sister, according to her and calling her a liar, psycho and crazy all the way till 2022.
Regardless, she played out the role Peter and his big sis Elisa assigned to her so very well that it was hard for any one around to notice that it was they, not she, who were the beginning and end of all sorrows.

But Jane was incomparably more intelligent than Peter's ex. She recorded everything over the 7 years and constantly sought out the world's best doctors, psychologists, scientists, mentors and coaches to help her stay sane in the face of insanity and evaluate the truth.

Diary of Peter's continuously evolving stories/lies/drama:

Jane: Why on earth did you go along with your sister's ego bullying to break us up?
Peter: I thought you would be happy that I set you free from my miserable life so my ex wouldn't harass you anymore.
Jane: You're probably not aware that your criminal ex only started harassing me directly after the cops called your sister to ask why she'd come drunk to my home in the middle of the night and you immediately after called your ex to tell her I was not a target. Her latest criminal false criminal report was in your daughter's name. So thoughtful of you. Thanks.

Peter: The only problem you and I ever had was that we didn't have the tools to deal with my ex's persecution against us.
Jane: Great. We have them now.

Jane: Can we begin again and pretend like none of this ever happened?
Peter: That would seem dishonest to me. I would like to genuinely begin again.

Peter yells at Jane: I am NOT attracted to you!!!!
Jane: Why did you screenshot and save a photo of me then?
Peter: To show you and ask you why you're sending me a photo.
Jane: Um, okay. LOL.

Peter and his daughter: Jane, we wanted to call you because little one's mother is saying you gave her precious stones for Christmas in order to cast a spell on her mother and because we are Christian we shouldn't pray to stones.
Jane: What do you think little one? I think that God made the beautiful flowers and precious stones and everything in nature to play with and enjoy for people of all religions and beliefs. That is all. (Little one laughs and agrees.)

Peter: I love you just not in that way. I can't let you speak about anything real or apologize to you for anything, definitely not violently smashing you to the floor. That never happened. I haven't done any forgiveness work on myself.

Peter: I've told my daughter that I'm dating something new and she told her mother so now it's official.
Jane: Do you love this person?
Peter: No. I'm not sure about her yet. We'll see how it goes.

Jane: Why can't we be together again?
Peter: For whatever reasons, real or imagined, my ex hates you and I don't want her stressing out my daughter.
Jane: She doesn't even know me.
Peter: I know but I'm going to go for someone less hot so she's not jealous.
Jane: You promised you would never again use a woman's body to heal your wounds with your ex and feel better about yourself. That's wrong to do.

Jane: Are you still using some poor woman's body or are you actually in love now?
Peter: None of your business!
Jane: If you were in love you would feel happy and proud and answer the question with joy in your heart and I would be very happy for you also!
Peter shouts at Jane: FINE! I'M IN LOVE!!!!
Jane: You don't sound very in love.

Peter: My daughter little one has seen you beating me up and she's traumatized.
Jane: Whaaat? Is that some new fabricated story from her mother? You know good and well, no such thing has ever happened. Quite the opposite.
Peter: I can't stop her from believing what she has seen with her own eyes. Now stop hurting the person I care about more than anything in this world.
(Jane feeling confused and hopeless.)

(Peter calls Jane to take her up on her request for mediation to make peace but is not very peaceful. He starts spewing out new lies in front of the kind old mediator Jane requested from Peter's church at the last second.)
Peter: Jane has joined my Scout group to bully and harass me.
Jane: Whaaat? Scouts is the biggest volunteer organization in Finland and I am not even in the same city as you, much less the same group.
Peter: Yes you are. I need to go now.

(Meeting with Jane's father)
Jane: You mentioned your daughter was feeling bad, could we call her and clarify what has upset her, I would like to make sure she is okay and say and do whatever is necessary so she will not be mentally damaged on account of anything real or imagined that has to do with me.
Peter: No. I don't love you. (looks up to the right when saying so.)
Jane: I'm really frustrated that you have had 18 months and haven't even dealt with your issues to create a safe place for me to speak what is on my heart. I asked kindly for my beloved pillow that you bought me after our romantic night at the Clarion since I loved the pillows there so much and now you've brought this trash I've never seen before despite promising to buy me one when you apologized for unjustly calling the cops on me. I feel really unfairly treated, dishonored and disrespected as the woman who stood by your side endlessly for years on end nursing you back to health while you lied and cheated and bullied and you were finally healed and now this again.
Peter: I love you and will love you for all eternity? (
Jane: Whaaat?
Hugs Jane and holds on to her for an awkwardly long time in front of her father.)

Peter: I hope you understand that your own behaviour (threatening, extortion, harassing, defaming, trespassing) affects my willingness to have anything to do with you.
Jane: Whaaat? It breaks my heart to hear that you feel so bad about me since you are one of the most important people on this planet to me, and also to my family and friends. I want you to know that I hear you and I take everything you say and have ever said to me very seriously. To this end, I have spent every waking hour, 1000's of hours, over the last 777 Days since June 29th, 2020 when I heard for the 1st time that I had somehow hurt you, doing everything I could find from YouTube, the Bible, churches of all sects, psychologists, doctors, scientists, teachers, coaches and mentors to "transform my behavior" for the sole purpose of making peace with you and having an honorable and respectful resolution in this situation with you. Please hear me. Also, maybe give some practical examples for the list of crimes you accuse me of, otherwise, stop just spewing and being a BULLY!!!

What Is Happiness?

Citizen of the World

Am I A Fish?!

School of Life

Love In Suits & Ties

Deportation, Theft & Hunger


Criminal Escapades


Imagination Creates Reality

Happily Even After

Hacking Happiness

The Musical Unfolds...

Stories About…


Life is supposed to be FUN! The real kind, that is not dependent on anyone or anything and is unshaken by what anyone does or says, because it comes from within. Wake up dancing and singing. Throw your hands up and say: Today is my day of miracles! So it shall be.


The legendary Einstein said, 'The single most important decision we will ever make is whether or not to believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.' Which is it? You decide. If you can 'be like a child' fearless and confident that you are loved, you are unstoppable.


You did not come to this earth to live, die and pay rent. You came here to love and be loved and you have the power to assume any last one of your dreams into being. True love is freedom. It is all we take from this world. The rest is an illusion.

I am deeply grateful for all of you who have bought my book and written such incredible reviews describing how my story has inspired and helped you on your journey. I really just wrote it as part of my personal healing process and sat on it for a long time feeling crippled and unable to finish because it really seemed like bullying and hatred and lies had really won…but then I realized that this is my story and I get to decide how it goes.

Thank you for being a part of it. With a heart full of gratitude.

Love From All Of You!

Adam M. Adamek, PhD 08/23

Elizabeth’s transformative journey defies medical norms, heralding a bold era in digital health. Empowerment, #biohacking, real connections – disruptive but vital. Keep pushing the boundaries, @_EliWesterlund, we’re with you!

Jenine Simons, medical doctor, psychiatry – Finland 08/23

Thank you so much for your encouragement! You are an inspiration for many of us Angel. I REALLY MEAN THAT!! Because especially as a woman (of colour also), I was not exposed to this kind of a mindset…😀

Maya Stephens (coach – USA)

You are my ONLY hope because you have overcome so much. In reality, it’s not possible, but you did it. I believe in you and you are like my star. I look at you and get inspired. You are a guru.

Weizal Gulfan

By empowering yourself and sharing your story, you empowered me in mine. You are a miracle, a living one. I feel so blessed to be kindred with you and support the work God intended you for. I am healed. You are a miracle worker.

Female, Spain

All I can say is wow. Just wow. It’s intense…a lot to take in. It almost feels like a movie. I’m sure you’ve already considered that…?

Jennifer Lopez

I read the first three stories! Overall, it’s very beautiful and inspiring. Thank you for sharing this with me! That’s so amazing that you’re doing this. Really – I admire you for this.


Website looks amazing! You are awesome and inspiring! I’m learning about how to manifest as I still have a lot of worrying about money and whether this is going to be successful, etc. But I have sooo much to be grateful for, a year ago at this time in the year, my life was miserable and I wanted to die. This year I have everything I have ever asked for and doing exactly the thing that I spent so long wondering what it would be like to do.


I can’t but wait to buy your book, and ask for your autograph! Nothing is impossible to those who trust.

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